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Workshops & Custom Programs

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Professional development workshops should not have a cookie-cutter approach. Every institution in higher education is unique, and therefore, each experience is tuned to your needs. Every workshop is highly interactive and designed to provide practical tools that can be applied immediately.

Explore example workshop offerings below.


  • Facilitating Conversations
    ​​Lead meaningful discussions and foster an environment where every voice is heard and every contribution valued.

  • Conflict Competence: Navigating Disputes with Resolution in Mind
    Transform conflict into a powerful tool for growth and collaboration. Learn effective strategies for conflict resolution that foster a positive work environment and strengthen relationships.

  • Grace Under Fire: Strategies for Dealing with Difficult People and Situations
    Enhance your ability to handle challenging interactions with poise and confidence. Discover practical techniques for turning difficult encounters into opportunities for positive outcomes.

  • Beyond the Echo Chamber by Embracing Disagreement
    Cultivate an environment where diverse viewpoints are not just accepted but encouraged. Learn how to leverage dissent as a catalyst for innovation and through open, respectful dialogue.


  • Leadership Foundations: Crafting Your Compass 
    Delve into the core principles that shape effective leaders. This workshop equips participants with the essential leadership and management tools and insights to navigate the challenges of leading a program on campus.

  • Feedback That Fuels: Guiding Growth with Impactful Insights
    This workshop introduces practical ways to deliver feedback that fosters development, boosts morale, and enhances overall performance. This session explores strategies for constructive communication that build stronger, more resilient teams.

  • Designing A Comprehensive Evaluation System that Elevates Others
    Create a robust framework for evaluating faculty and staff that aligns with your institution's goals. This workshop covers the A to Z of building and executing an evaluation system that drives continuous improvement and accountability.

  • Time Mastery & Well-Being for Leaders: Balancing Acts 
    The ultimate test of leadership is how we manage ourselves. This workshop introduces effective time management strategies and wellness practices that create a culture of productivity and well-being for yourself and your team.

  • Cultivating a Productive Meeting Culture
    Transform meetings from time sinks into wellsprings of efficiency and creativity that are inclusive and energizing.

Organizational Culture

  • Crafting Inclusive and Healthy Workspaces
    This workshop lays the foundation for
    strategies to maintain and enhance a positive work climate that promotes well-being, inclusivity, and productivity among faculty and staff that drives retention, collaboration, and innovation.

  • Mentorship that Matters: Weaving a Network of Support
    This workshop introduces how to create robust mentorship networks that foster professional development, knowledge transfer, and a supportive academic community.

  • Creative Problem-Solving Techniques for Teams
    Learn practical ways to address complex challenges on your team with innovative problem-solving strategies that encourage creative thinking and collaborative solutions.

  • Building Happy and High-Performing Teams
    Transform groups into cohesive teams through engaging activities and insightful strategies that promote trust, communication, and a shared sense of purpose.

Custom Workshops

Designing a custom workshop in collaboration with your team involves a tailored, consultative approach to ensure the workshop meets the specific needs and goals of your program. Here's a brief overview of the process:

Discovery Session: The process begins with a discovery session where we meet with key members of leadership to understand the unique challenges, objectives, and specific outcomes you wish to achieve through the workshop.

Planning Process: Based on our discussions, this could involve conducting a needs assessment with surveys or interviews, curriculum development based on the insights gained, and an iterative feedback and revision process.  
Logistical Planning: Once the workshop has been designed to your needs and expectations, the logistics, including scheduling, participant registration, venue selection, and any necessary technology or materials are planned.

Evaluation and Follow-up: After every workshop, there is an opportunity to evaluate the workshop's success based on participant feedback, learning outcomes, and the achievement of your objectives. 

Interested in working together?

Feel free to contact me. I'd love to learn more about you and how I can help.

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