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"Kevin was like a seasoned guide I didn’t know I needed."

"Kevin was like a seasoned guide I didn’t know I needed. His coaching style is a balance of down-to-earth and professional. Our time together delved into the intricacies of managing diverse, and at times difficult, personalities in my department that were causing me much stress. What stood out to me was his ability to equip me with tools for managing conflict and turning potentially disruptive interactions into opportunities for positive change.


Working with Kevin has helped immensely in creating a more respectful culture in our department and I've developed skills I desperately needed to continue enjoying my job.

- Department Chair

University of Kentucky

University of Kentucky

"Taking on a new role as a director in an area with several senior members, I was second-guessing my decisions and struggling to assert myself - a classic case of imposter syndrome. Kevin came highly recommended by a close friend, and I quickly understood why. He has this amazing way of making you see your worth. Our sessions weren't just about theory; they were real, relatable, and very practical. He understood my challenges, taught me how to own my space, and turn my inner-voice into confidence. Huge thanks to Kevin for turning what felt like obstacles into opportunities to shine. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him to others."

- Director

University of Central Arkansas


"He has this amazing way of making you see your worth."

"I've been able to make the shift from buddy to boss while keeping great relationships."

"Going from one of the team to leading the team was no small feat. I was looking for some help with everything from holding people (and friends) accountable to figuring out how to do staff reviews. My sessions with Kevin dove right into the deep end, tackling each challenge one by one. He showed me how to set clear expectations and handle the awkwardness of reviewing folks who used to be my peers. I can’t thank Kevin enough for the toolbox of skills he's given me. I've been able to make the shift from buddy to boss while keeping great relationships. If you're stepping up the ladder and feel like you're treading water, Kevin's your guy. He's been a transformative resource for me."

- Student Services

Middle Tennessee State University

Middle Tennessee State University

"I found myself at a crossroads, unsure of whether to pursue a leadership track or branch out into new endeavors. After a few sessions with Dr. Sanders, I was able to identify my core values and what mattered most to me, which put my career options in a new light. His coaching style is grounded, insightful, and profoundly impactful. He was a great fit for me at a time when I needed pragmatic and tailored guidance to help with my professional growth."

- Member

United States Navy

US Navy

"His coaching style is grounded, insightful, and profoundly impactful."

" ways to advocate for myself..."

"I sought out Dr. Sanders on the advice of a colleague and I'm so glad I did. I was feeling stuck in my research and what the next steps in my career looked like. After working with him, he helped me move from a murky idea to a clear vision with a process based on results. I found new ways to advocate for myself to the administration and build on untapped collaborations across campus. I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Sanders' services to anyone in higher education facing similar challenges."

- Associate Professor

University of New Mexico


"When I first reached out to Kevin, I was pretty much swamped. I was doing too much on my own, and it was taking a toll. One of my first breakthroughs was acknowledging my reluctance to delegate. Kevin helped me become more aware of the underlying causes of my hesitation, and I learned to trust my team more and hand over the reins in ways that made sense. But the real game-changer for me was creating a better work-life balance. Kevin helped me set boundaries and prioritize self-care, which has given me the head space to be a more present leader and operate at higher levels.

I am incredibly grateful to have him in my corner. His coaching is a holistic approach to becoming a better leader and a more balanced individual. If you're in a leadership spot and feeling the burn, I'd definitely suggest contacting Kevin."

- Executive Director

Non-Profit Arts Organization

"...given me the head space to be a more present leader and operate at higher levels."

"The most profound impact, however, came from his ability to guide me toward some of my blind spots..."

"Working with Kevin proved to be a pivotal decision in my professional life. As a longtime faculty member who had recently stepped into a leadership role, he helped me fill in my knowledge gaps - managing staff, effectively communicating technical needs to non-technical stakeholders, and establishing healthy work/life boundaries. His insights were invaluable in helping me bridge the gap between my existing strengths and the new skills required for my new role. 

The most profound impact, however, came from his ability to guide me toward some of my blind spots, such as my tendency to prioritize technical solutions over people management. Thanks to his guidance, I not only successfully navigated my way into the new role but also excelled in it."

- Department Chair

Florida State University

Florida State University

Interested in working together?

Feel free to contact me. I'd love to learn more about you and how I can help.

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